Health & Aging

Health & Aging

HEI 2024 LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leaders

The HEI 2024 had the most rigorous criteria ever. Yet, an impressive 384 (36%) of participants met this more challenging criteria, received the top 100 in the HEI, and earned…

Health & Aging

HIPAA and LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality

From time to time, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is incorrectly cited as an obstacle to hospital visitation rights and decision-making authority for LGBTQ+ families. On the contrary,…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Workplace

HIV and Employment Discrimination

Americans living with HIV or AIDS may face discrimination based on their health status in many areas of life—including employment. Fortunately, federal and state laws protect against discrimination.

Health & Aging

Hospital Visitation Guide for LGBTQ+ Families

On January 18, 2011, federal regulations regarding patients’ hospital visitation rights went into effect. These new rules, which apply to hospitals participating in the Medicaid and Medicare programs, require those…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

How HIV Impacts LGBTQ+ People

While HIV affects Americans from all walks of life, the epidemic continues to disproportionately impact certain members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Health & Aging, HIV & Health Equity

HRC Partners with the PRIDE Study

HRC is proud to partner with The PRIDE Study - the first nationwide, large-scale, long-term health study of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+), or another…