Health & Aging

Recursos en Español, Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

¿Es la PEP adecuada para mí?

PEP es la abreviatura de Profilaxis Postexposición. Es una estrategia de prevención del VIH que consiste en tomar medicamentos contra el VIH inmediatamente después de un único acontecimiento de alto…

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Recursos en Español

Desmintiendo mitos comunes sobre el VIH

Lee las respuestas a los mitos de que "el VIH es una enfermedad gay" o una "sentencia de muerte", y encuentra otra información importante sobre cómo hacerse la prueba.

Workplace, LGBTQ+ Youth, Health & Aging, HIV & Health Equity, Research, Allies

Understanding Disability in the LGBTQ+ Community

Disability refers to conditions that impair the body or mind and make it more difficult or impossible to do certain activities or functions of daily living. The Centers for Disease…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

Is PrEP Right For Me?

PrEP is short for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, a once-daily pill that reduces the risk of acquiring HIV. It is an FDA-approved prescription medication.

Health & Aging, Communities of Color, Transgender, HIV & Health Equity, Research

Research on LGBTQ+ People and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, HRC Foundation has been actively engaged in research to monitor and understand the impact of the pandemic on the physical, mental,…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Communities of Color, College, Research

Making HIV History + A Pragmatic Guide to Confronting HIV at HBCUs

Making HIV History + A Pragmatic Guide to Confronting HIV at Historically Black Colleges and Universities is a comprehensive guide for HBCU administrators, staff and students outlining many of the…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Research

HRC’s Guide to Getting It Right: Reporting about HIV

This guide is meant to be a starting point for reporters, journalists, bloggers, and community advocates interested in covering the the HIV epidemic both accurately and compassionately.

Health & Aging, HIV & Health Equity

HRC Partners with the PRIDE Study

HRC is proud to partner with The PRIDE Study - the first nationwide, large-scale, long-term health study of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+), or another…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, College, Research

A Student's Guide to World AIDS Day

A list of ideas you can use to observe World AIDS Day and other HIV Awareness Days on your college or university campus.