HRC Launches Interpersonal Violence Report During COVID-19

Produced by the HRC Foundation

Our isolated environment, as well as the numerous financial and additional stressors brought by COVID-19, creates an increased risk of intimate partner violence -- a risk which is that much higher for LGBTQ+ people.

COVID-19 has impacted the financial stability and wellness of individuals and families everywhere. Advocates, lawmakers and the general public must seriously consider the impact this pandemic has had on the rates of interpersonal violence and look to ways to address this issue from a legislative, data and cultural level.

  • 44% of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to 35% of straight women.
  • The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey found that more than half (54%) of transgender and non-binary respondents experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.
  • Among non-LGBTQ+ respondents to the most recent CDC YRBS survey, 7% reported experiencing physical dating violence and 8% reported they experienced sexual dating violence. However, HRC’s analysis of public YRBS data found 18% of LGBTQ+ respondents reported experiencing physical dating violence and 16% reported experiencing sexual dating violence.
  • YRBS data shows that 19% of Black respondents, 20% of Native American respondents, 13% of Asian respondents, and 16% of Latine respondents have experienced physical dating violence compared to 6% of non-LGBTQ+ white youth.


Interpersonal Violence Report During COVID-19

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