days left to the 2024 election! Your ballot is your power, and when we show up, equality wins. Click here to visit our 2024 Voting Center!
Transgender people come from all walks of life, and HRC Foundation has estimated that there are more than 2 million of us across the United States. We are parents, siblings, and kids. We are your coworkers, your neighbors, and your friends.
Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our Transgender resources.
The Human Rights Campaign works to educate the public about the transgender community and provides resources for transgender and non-binary people to live their fullest lives. For an overview of issues affecting transgender and non-binary people, you may read our resource Understanding the Transgender Community.
Read from changemakers of our Trans Justice Initiative’s programs in their own words.
Read Moreabout Celebrating Changemakers:ACTIVATE: Building the Capacity of Leaders on the Frontlines
ELÉVATE, el nuevo programa de nuestra Iniciativa de Justicia Trans, promueve el liderazgo de las personas trans y no binarias hispanohablantes por poner en contacto a los miembros de la…
Overview:Our Trans Justice Initiative’s MOTIVATE Program advances the leadership of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) transmen and transmasculine nonbinary folks by connecting them with other community members and…
Now more than ever, our transgender and non-binary community members need to feel seen, supported, and safe as they go through their daily lives. It may not always be easy…
The Human Rights Campaign is both saddened and infuriated by the deaths of at least twenty-five transgender and gender-expansive people whose lives were tragically and inhumanely taken through violent means,…
“You’re not alone.”
“Nobody else is as good at being you as you are.”
LGBTQ+ Americans Fight Back: Emergency Funds for Relocating and Supporting Families and Transgender Individuals
In the United States, gender is often presented to us as the mutually unchangeable opposites of either male or female. The truth is that gender is a rich, broad spectrum…
This guide is intended to help transgender people to navigate aspects of their transition related to the workplace. If you are an employer who wishes to support your transgender employees,…
PrEP es la abreviatura de Profilaxis Pre-Exposición, una píldora que se toma una vez al día y que reduce el riesgo de contraer el VIH. Es un medicamento de venta…