
Transgender people come from all walks of life, and HRC Foundation has estimated that there are more than 2 million of us across the United States. We are parents, siblings, and kids. We are your coworkers, your neighbors, and your friends.

Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our Transgender resources.

Health & Aging, Communities of Color, Transgender, HIV & Health Equity, Research

Research on LGBTQ+ People and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, HRC Foundation has been actively engaged in research to monitor and understand the impact of the pandemic on the physical, mental,…

HIV & Health Equity, Sexual Health, Transgender, Recursos en Español, Research

Safer Sex for Trans Bodies (Sexo Seguro Para Los Cuerpos Trans)

The HRC Foundation, in partnership with Whitman-Walker Health, released Safer Sex for Trans Bodies, a comprehensive sexual health guide for transgender and gender expansive people and their partners.

Transgender, Capacity Building

Trans Justice Initiative: Small Grants Program

The work of promoting equality and creating positive change for members of our transgender and non-binary community cannot be done alone. This is why we are working with community-based activists…


Transgender and Non-Binary People FAQ

Transgender and non-binary people come from all walks of life. The HRC Foundation has estimated that there are more than two million of us across the United States. 

Transgender, LGBTQ+ Youth, Parenting

Transgender Children & Youth: Understanding the Basics

It is important to make distinctions between instances where “kids are being kids” and when they’re asserting things about themselves that are critical to their identity and development – as…