HIV & Health Equity

HIV disproportionately affects members of the LGBTQ+ communities of color, particularly cisgender Black and Latino gay and bisexual, transgender women, and Black women. We are committed to ending the HIV epidemic and HIV-related stigma.

Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our HIV & Health Equity resources.

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Communities of Color, College, Capacity Building, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders

PrEP Ambassadors: A HBCU Program

Our HBCU’s PrEP Ambassador Program was created to build a network of leaders to eliminate stigma and enrich the college experience for LGBTQ+ students attending HBCUs.

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Communities of Color, College, Recursos en Español, Capacity Building, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders

GENERAR: A HIV and Health Equity Program

GENERAR, nuestro programa de VIH y equidad sanitaria, fue creado para empoderar a jóvenes sobre asuntos de salud sexual y reproductiva, además de otras desigauldades de salud que desproporcionadamente los…

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Communities of Color, Capacity Building, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders

GENHERATE: A HIV and Health Equity Program

Our HIV & Health Equity’s GENHERATE program was created to empower Black women in sexual and reproductive health topics and other health disparities that disproportionately impact them.

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Allies

Beyond the Stereotypes: A Deep Dive Into Sex Work

Sex work. We all see it across tv, in the news, or maybe even on platforms like OnlyFans, but the diverse experiences of those involved in this profession are deeper…

Recursos en Español, Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

¿Es la PEP adecuada para mí?

PEP es la abreviatura de Profilaxis Postexposición. Es una estrategia de prevención del VIH que consiste en tomar medicamentos contra el VIH inmediatamente después de un único acontecimiento de alto…

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

Desmintiendo mitos comunes sobre el VIH

Lee las respuestas a los mitos de que "el VIH es una enfermedad gay" o una "sentencia de muerte", y encuentra otra información importante sobre cómo hacerse la prueba.

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Transgender, College, Recursos en Español

¿Es la PrEP adecuada para mí?

PrEP es la abreviatura de Profilaxis Pre-Exposición, una píldora que se toma una vez al día y que reduce el riesgo de contraer el VIH. Es un medicamento de venta…

Transgender, Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, College, Capacity Building, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders

ELEVATE: A Transgender Justice Initiative Program

The ELEVATE Fellowship advances the leadership of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) femmes of trans experience through peer connection and by investing in their professional development and…

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Bisexual, Transgender

Understanding Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBTQ+ Community

Last updated November 4,2022
Content Warning:
This resource discusses issues of intimate partner violence (IPV) that some readers may find sensitive. If you are experiencing IPV, please visit the CDC’s…

HIV & Health Equity, Sexual Health

Find Sexual Health Services at Your HBCU

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have a critical role in ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Data shows that 1 in 5 new HIV diagnoses are among young people between the…