Health & Aging

Health & Aging

HEI 2024 LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leaders

The HEI 2024 had the most rigorous criteria ever. Yet, an impressive 384 (36%) of participants met this more challenging criteria, received the top 100 in the HEI, and earned…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Sexual Health, Recursos en Español, Reports

Healthy Sex Guide (La Guía de Sexo Más Seguro)

The HRC Foundation, in collaboration with Whitman-Walker Health , released an updated guide to practicing healthy sex that includes essential tips to minimize the spread of HIV and other sexually…

Healthcare Facilities Search

Use this tool to find healthcare facilities near you that are evaluated in the Healthcare Equality Index. The HEI 2024 features nearly 2400 healthcare facilities nationwide, including those that actively…

Healthcare Equality Index 2024

In its 16th edition, the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI) is the national LGBTQ+ benchmarking tool that evaluates healthcare facilities' policies and practices related to the equity and inclusion of their…

Bisexual, Health & Aging, Coming Out

Health Disparities Among Bisexual People

Far too many LGBTQ+ people face bias and discrimination when seeking health care, and as we continue to work to address this critical issue, it’s imperative to address the specific…

Health & Aging

Health Care Proxy

A health care proxy, or durable power of attorney for health care, allows you to designate another person as your agent to make health care decisions on your behalf.