Health & Aging

Bisexual, Health & Aging

Coming Out as Bisexual to Your Doctor

One of the keys to good health care is being open with your health care provider. Doctors, nurses, physician assistants, psychotherapists and other professionals treating you need to know about…

Health & Aging

Resources for the LGBTQ Community Around COVID-19

As COVID-19 continues sweeping the world, hundreds of thousands of people have contracted the virus, and every community has been affected. The LGBTQ+ community in the U.S. — along with…

Communities of Color, Health & Aging

QTBIPOC Mental Health and Well-Being

LGBTQ+ people of color, similar to their broader LGBTQ+ community, experience alarmingly high rates of mental health challenges. It disrupts their daily lives and can be life-threatening, especially for children…

Healthcare Facilities Search

Use this tool to find healthcare facilities near you that are evaluated in the Healthcare Equality Index. The HEI 2024 features nearly 2400 healthcare facilities nationwide, including those that actively…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Communities of Color, College, Research

Making HIV History + A Pragmatic Guide to Confronting HIV at HBCUs

Making HIV History + A Pragmatic Guide to Confronting HIV at Historically Black Colleges and Universities is a comprehensive guide for HBCU administrators, staff and students outlining many of the…

Health & Aging, State & Local Policy

What To Do If You Experience Discrimination

The LGBTQ+ community is more likely to experience discrimination in healthcare settings than our non-LGBTQ+ counterparts – learn about steps you can take if you aren’t treated fairly.