Religion & Faith

Thanks to the work that’s being done by the HRC Foundation and by countless others, faith communities around the world have grown to become increasingly more welcoming, inclusive and affirming of the LGBTQ+ community and our right to equality.

Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our Religion & Faith resources.

Religion & Faith

Faith Positions on Marriage Equality

A growing number of organized religious groups in the United States have issued statements officially welcoming LGBTQ+ people as members and extending marriage rites to them. If you are looking…

Religion & Faith

Faith Resources

The resources in this section are intended to help LGBTQ+ people, their families, friends and allies, find powerful and transformative spaces to learn more about the intersection of their faith…

HIV & Health Equity, Religion & Faith, Capacity Building, Empowering Advocate Communities


The Interfaith Health Equity Alliance Roundtable (IHEAR) was created to convene faith leaders that are committed to ending HIV stigma and discrimination in their communities. We aim to expand and…

Religion & Faith

Out in Scripture

This HRC resource places comments about the Bible alongside the real-life experiences and concerns of LGBTQ+ people of faith and our allies.

Coming Out, Communities of Color, Religion & Faith

Religion and Coming Out Issues for Asian Pacific Americans

The beliefs of Asian Pacific Islander religions may not be any more homophobic than others, but the interconnectedness of culture and religion means that any homophobia related to faith can…

Religion & Faith, Coming Out, Communities of Color

Religion and Coming Out Issues for Latines

More than two-thirds of Hispanics (68%) identify themselves as Roman Catholics, according to a 2007 survey by the Pew Hispanic Center and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The…