Human Rights Campaign Condemns Passage of Anti-Trans Sports Ban by Indiana Lawmakers
Senate Passes HB1041, Which Would Unjustly Prevent Transgender Hoosiers From Participating in Youth Sports Alongside Their Peers
Senate Passes HB1041, Which Would Unjustly Prevent Transgender Hoosiers From Participating in Youth Sports Alongside Their Peers
Cargill, CVS, Kellogg, Warner Media among new signatories, joining Amazon, American Airlines, Apple, AT&T, Microsoft, Salesforce, Unilever, others
Alliance Defending Freedom Carrying Out National Campaign Against Country’s Transgender Community
Post submitted by Viet Tran (he/him/they/them), former HRC Press SecretaryThe U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari in the case Box v. Henderson, which sought to allow Indiana to refuse to place…
The event’s message of inclusion and acceptance contrasts with Pence’s long history of extreme anti-LGBTQ animus
Washington - Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, called out Jackie Walorski (IN-02) for voting to add an…
NCAA Board of Governors adopts new policy to “protect participants and spectators from discrimination at NCAA events”
WASHINGTON -- Today the Human Rights Campaign – the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization – announced its endorsement of Baron Hill for the U.S.…
Legislation was deeply flawed and unacceptable; Indiana lawmakers failed to correct it and are failing their responsibility to move Indiana forward by passing crucially needed LGBT non-discrimination protections
The legislation unacceptably leaves transgender Hoosiers at risk of discrimination, undermines existing protections for race and religion, and also removes the authority of municipalities to pass new, fully inclusive LGBT…