Today, the Human Rights Campaign and Lambda Legal announced their intent to sue the Trump administration to block implementation of yet another discriminatory and dangerous attempt to bar patriotic transgender…
GOP Lawmakers Vote to Enact Sweeping Bill Banning Healthcare and Sports Participation for Ohio’s Transgender Youth
Reality Check: Ahead of Third GOP Debate, Public Opinion and Election Results Highlight the Continued Failure of Attacks on LGBTQ+ People
GOP Presidential Candidates Bring Records of Hostility and Dehumanizing…
While pushing government to the brink of a shutdown, anti-equality politicians in House of Representatives push anti-trans rhetoric and policy proposals wildly out of touch with Americans
Extremist Legislation Would Bar Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex Youths Across the Country From Participating in School Sports on Teams Consistent With Their Gender Identity
"Transgender and Non-Binary People are Our Family and Friends, Our Colleagues, and Our Loved Ones - and Above All, They’re People Who Deserve Full Lived and Legal Equality"
Every Major Medical Association — Representing More than 1.3 Million Doctors — Supports Age-Appropriate, Medically Necessary Care