Parents for Transgender Equality Network

All across this country, parents are taking action to support and protect their transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive children.

Join our National Parent Network today!

Welcome to our community of parents dedicated to advocating for and championing the rights and well-being of our transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive youth. As parents and caregivers, we understand the impact that supportive environments, equal opportunities, and inclusive policies can have on the daily lives of our children. We are united by a common purpose: to advocate tirelessly for the rights, dignity and respect, and future of our young people.

Through collaboration, education, and activism, the HRC National Parents for Transgender Equality Network is determined to create a world where our children can dream and flourish without limitations.

As part of this Network, you will be connected to other parents regionally and nationally to share resources, to receive alerts for impactful actionable advocacy opportunities, and to mobilize to protect and support trans youth directly with HRC through policy briefings and webinars.

The collective voice of parents is forceful and can lead to significant change. We are more effective together, so join us today and commit to advocating for the rights of all our children — the future leaders and changemakers of the world.

Together, we will make a difference.

Resources for Families of Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender-expansive Youth

Transgender Children & Youth: Understanding the Basics

Family support is critical for transgender and gender-expansive children and teens. We’ve broken down some of the first steps and important things to know as you begin to support your child’s journey.

Talking to Doctors and Medical Providers

When it comes to navigating health care, parents often struggle to know when and how to talk about their child’s gender identity and expression. We’ve laid out some ways to help make interactions with medical providers as friendly and respectful as possible.

Trans Youth Emergency Project

In response to the wave of gender-affirming care bans across the country, the Campaign for Southern Equality has launched the Trans Youth Emergency Project. This project partners with state and local organizations to provide grants, patient navigation support, and accurate information to families that are impacted by these bans.

Emergency Funds for Relocating Families

We are maintaining a list of resources and organizations that may provide emergency funding to individuals and families impacted by anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, to relocate or to access care or services outside of your current state of residence.

Find Supporting Organizations

Parents of Transgender Youth Have Important Advice for New Parents Starting Their Journey!

Check Out Some of Our Resource Guides

Supporting Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender-Expansive Children

Supporting Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender-Expansive Children is a groundbreaking resource that explains how families and healthcare professionals are helping transgender children thrive.

  • TRANSITIONING TO ADULTHOOD: A Guide To Help Your Transgender, Nonbinary, or Gender Expansive Child Launch
    [Launch PDF]
  • Supporting LGBTQ Students’ College Search (from NACAC & Project THRIVE)
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  • GOING PUBLIC: Is Public Advocacy Right For You and Your Family? A Guide for Parents of Transgender and Gender-Expansive Youth
    [Launch PDF]
  • NAVIGATING TRANSITION-RELATED CARE: A Guide for Parents and Guardians of Gender-Expansive Children and Teens
    [Launch PDF]
  • A Resource for Black Families, Family Members, and Caregivers of Black Transgender, Non-Binary, and LGB Youth
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  • Non-Binary, Gender Fluid & Gender-Expansive Youth: FAQ for Parents & Guardians
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  • Una Guía Rápida para Padres y Madres Para las Transiciones Dentro de la Escuela
    [Launch PDF]

National Parents for Transgender Equality Network

Featured Videos

  • Play the Video Trans Kids are Just Kids

    "You shouldn't be telling kids like me that they shouldn't live their life as their authentic self." Every kid deserves to be the person they were always meant to be.

  • Play the Video BIPOC Parents of Transgender Youth Reflect on Their Journey

    The HRC Foundation’s Parents for Transgender Equality National Council is a coalition of some of the the nation's leading parent-advocates working for equality and fairness for transgender people, with the intention of connecting, mobilizing and amplifying many of the most powerful voices of love, inclusion and support for transgender equality.

  • Play the Video Time to THRIVE in the Upper Midwest Regional Realities Panel