Coming Out

Bisexual, Coming Out

Bisexual FAQ

Find the answers to frequently asked questions on bisexuality.

Coming Out, Recursos en Español

Guía de Recursos Para Salir Del Clóset

El Proyecto Nacional Para Salir del Clóset del HRC es un programa para promover honradez y franqueza sobre el ser gay, lesbiana, bisexual o transgénero en la universidad, en el…

Coming Out, Communities of Color, Religion & Faith

Religion and Coming Out Issues for Asian Pacific Americans

The beliefs of Asian Pacific Islander religions may not be any more homophobic than others, but the interconnectedness of culture and religion means that any homophobia related to faith can…

Religion & Faith, Coming Out, Communities of Color

Religion and Coming Out Issues for Latines

More than two-thirds of Hispanics (68%) identify themselves as Roman Catholics, according to a 2007 survey by the Pew Hispanic Center and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. The…