Human Rights Campaign Calls Out Transphobic Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Column
In letter to paper’s executive editor, HRC Foundation Director Jay Brown calls column by Jennifer Graham “despicably offensive and inaccurate” and seeks her removal
In letter to paper’s executive editor, HRC Foundation Director Jay Brown calls column by Jennifer Graham “despicably offensive and inaccurate” and seeks her removal
Following a bipartisan letter from U.S. Senators to the Secretary of Defense calling for non-discrimination protections, HRC highlights additional steps the administration should take to advance fairness and equality for…
Today HRC and Gender Proud, a transgender advocacy and awareness organization, announced a three-city public education campaign to inform the public about, and destigmatize the lives of, transgender people in…
The legislation will ensure that transgender people are able to change their birth certificates to reflect their correct name & gender without unnecessarily expensive and invasive obstacles.
HRC Commends Jenner for Sharing Transition Journey, Olympic Champion Inspires Others
Olympic Champion’s Appearance Comes as HRC Poll Shows That 66 Percent of Americans Who Know a Transgender Person Support Equality
Petition was launched in response to the tragic story of Leelah Alcorn and calls for help to ban the dangerous and discredited practice
WASHINGTON - Today, the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, responded to the news that Department of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter…
HRC’s Brief Guide to Getting It Right
U.S. Department of Justice files historic statement in the case asserting that Title VII prohibits discrimination against transgender people