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by HRC Staff •
Human Rights Campaign Endorses Slate of Pro-Equality Champions in Wisconsin
The Human Rights Campaign PAC (HRC PAC) announced its endorsement of 13 pro-equality candidates for the Wisconsin State Legislature. HRC PAC is committed to engaging our volunteers, members and supporters to mobilize the nearly 715,000 Equality Voters in Wisconsin in support of pro-equality candidates up and down the ballot. HRC PAC endorsed Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers for reelection, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul for reelection, and Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes for U.S. Senate
Human Rights Campaign Wisconsin State Director Wendy Strout released the following statement:
“Every family and every child deserves the same protections as everyone else – to live their lives with safety, dignity, privacy, and free from discrimination. But in Wisconsin and nationwide, a handful of extremist judges and politicians are waging a brutal and coordinated assault on LGBTQ+ people – especially LGBTQ+ children and young people. Wisconsin’s governor is the first line of defense against harmful bills designed to strip away the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. We cannot afford to lose even one seat in the State Senate in order to protect the Governor’s veto, and we need to protect several pro-equality incumbents and Assembly seats in order to advance equality and protect the rights of LGBTQ+ Wisconsinites. The Human Rights Campaign is proud to endorse this slate of pro-equality champions in Wisconsin and is looking forward to fighting alongside them.”
Today’s Wisconsin State Senate endorsements include:
Tim Carpenter (SD-3) *
Mark Spreitzer (SD-15) *
Kelly Westlund (SD-25)
Jeff Smith (SD-31)
Today’s Wisconsin State Assembly endorsements include:
Marisabel Cabrera (AD-9) *
Robyn Vining (AD-14)
Lee Snodgrass (AD-57) *
Greta Neubauer (AD-66) *
Laura Gapske (AD-73)
John Adams (AD-74)
Kristina Shelton (AD-90)
Jodi Emerson (AD-91)
Steve Doyle (AD-94)
* Members of the LGBTQ+ Caucus
HRC’s Commitment to Wisconsin
Equality Voters, including the nearly 715,000 in Wisconsin, are a voting bloc of demographically and geographically diverse Americans who are united by the advancement of LGBTQ+ equality. Equality Voters are younger, more racially diverse, and more female than the general electorate, they recognize and trust the HRC brand, and they are more likely to identify with issue-specific organizations than candidates or political parties.
HRC has had staff and resources on the ground in Wisconsin since 2017. Across the country, HRC PAC works every day to elect pro-equality leaders who support policies that will support the rights and lives of LGBTQ+ people. During the 2020 election cycle, HRC staff on the ground recruited 5,800 individual volunteers nationwide who completed 28,500 hours of voter contact in more than 2,650 volunteer events. HRC engaged in robust digital and online GOTV efforts, including sending over 2.7 million person-to-person text messages, a massive increase from 2018 when approximately 500,000 texts were sent. HRC sent over 2.5 million mail pieces, had over 930,000 phone conversations with voters, and engaged more than 200,000 voters through HRC’s voter dashboard at
Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC ( Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate's committee. |
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