by Ella Schneiberg •
You’re 13. You want to play soccer. You sign up for your school’s team, practice hard, and make friends. Then a state lawmaker introduces legislation that would ban you from playing sports because you’re transgender.
There is a coordinated attack on trans kids being waged in state legislatures across the country right now — and one of the most common bills that we’re tracking targets trans athletes.
Every kid deserves to play sports consistent with their gender identity.
Trans kids want to play sports for the same reasons all kids do: to be part of a team, to learn discipline, and above all, to have fun with their friends. But lawmakers across the country are trying to pass laws that would ban trans youth from participating in school sports.
Last year, Idaho passed legislation of this kind and it was swiftly suspended by a district court. We’ll continue to fight against discriminatory attempts like this in other states.
So far in 2021, at least 66 bills have been introduced targeting transgender people in sports. Here’s what we’re following (last updated: 5/18/2021):
We need your help to fight these bills.
Tell state legislators to stop attacking the transgender community NOW! Your signature will send a message that we won’t back down when these lawmakers come for our community.