by HRC Staff •
The HRC Foundation's Parents for Transgender Equality Council is a group of 24 inspiring parents of transgender youth from across the country.
Post submitted by Sula Malina, HRC Children, Youth and Families Program Coordinator
The HRC Foundation's Parents for Transgender Equality Council is a group of 24 inspiring parents of transgender youth from across the country. The council serves as a coalition of the nation's leading parent-advocates working for equality and fairness for transgender people, with the intention of connecting, mobilizing and amplifying many of the most powerful voices of love, inclusion and support for transgender equality.
HRC recently sat down with Rachel and Frank Gonzales, members of the council from Texas. The Gonzales family became fierce advocates for the transgender community after their daughter, Libby, transitioned. From delivering testimonies at the Texas Capitol to speaking at rallies, the Gonzales family is a visible force in the fight for equality for transgender Texans.
What inspired you to join HRC's Parents for Transgender Equality Council?
We are constantly inspired by the work of so many brave and courageous families across the country, and it is such an honor to join this group of parents. When we came to the realization that our daughter is transgender, we felt so alone -- like so many other families often do. If we can give other families across the country a bit of comfort, we can then help provide them with the resources they need to be able to best support their children in their own journeys.
What's been one highlight of your experience as a council member?
It’s been incredible getting to know families across the U.S. that all have the same common goals and love for their children. We learn from and are encouraged by the variety of ways that each family is working through the struggles we each share.
What part of HRC's work do you connect with the most?
We so deeply appreciate the access to information. It is easy to feel like an island when you are raising a transgender young person, but the information that HRC shares and the visibility of so many families and individuals really helps us understand that we are not the only ones trying to learn how to work for the best interest of all of our children.
What's one message you have for other parents of transgender children?
You are not alone. Perhaps it’s a bit cliche, but I know how helpful it has been to us and to so many others to know that we are in this together. Reach out, find your community -- locally or online -- don’t be afraid to seek the support you need to be your child’s best defender.
To learn more about HRC Foundation's work with transgender youth and their families, visit our Children, Youth and Families program and our Parents for Transgender Equality page.