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by HRC Staff •
Gallup released new findings showing that 64 percent of U.S. adults favor marriage equality -- the highest ever recorded since the polling firm began tracking the issue.
Post submitted by Brian McBride, former HRC Digital Strategist
A healthy majority of Americans support marriage equality and workplace protections for LGBTQ people, but you wouldn’t it know based on the Trump administration's efforts to roll back the rights of the LGBTQ community.
Yesterday, Gallup released new findings showing that 64 percent of U.S. adults favor marriage equality -- the highest ever recorded since the polling firm began tracking the issue.
Earlier this year, a Gallup poll found that more than 10 million American adults identify as LGBTQ, an historic increase from the 8.3 million who self-identified as LGBTQ in 2014. Additionally, a recent HRC poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research found that 47 percent of Americans have a favorable views of transgender people, the highest percentage yet recorded by the firm.
Support for non-discrimination laws in the U.S. continues to grow: 70 percent of Americans say they believe that everyone should be able to live free from the fear of discrimination. That’s why Congress has re-introduced the Equality Act with bipartisan and unprecedented corporate support.
These polls and numerous others show a clear, positive upward trend of Americans’ support of equality for LGBTQ people -- making President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence’s steady attack on LGBTQ rights all the more alarming and perplexing.
In just a few short months, this administration has revoked the Obama administration's guidance protecting transgender students, appointed some of the most anti-LGBTQ extremist to his cabinet and given Attorney General Jeff Sessions broad discretion to create a license to discriminate in agencies across the federal government. Trump and Pence have also attempted to erase LGBTQ people by removing proposed sexual orientation and gender identity questions from the U.S. Census, and have remained silent in the face of atrocious violence against gay and bisexual men in the Russian republic of Chechnya.
Against the backdrop of unprecendented support for the LGBTQ community in the U.S., the Trump administration continues to fall further out of touch on LGBTQ issues with the people it was elected to serve.
HRC will remain vigilant in standing up against Trump and Pence, and this administration accountable to ensure the rights of LGBTQ people remain intact even under this relentless assault.