by Nick Totin •
We cannot stop working to achieve full equality for our Bi+ community.
On Thursday, we marked Bi+ Visibility Day, an important day to lift up our bisexual, pansexual, and queer community. Bi+ folks make up the largest group in the LGBTQ+ community, and we face distinct challenges and discrimination because of our identity.
Often, the conversations around why the Equality Act is such an important and necessary piece of legislation can exclude our bi+ community, even though we also face the kinds of discrimination that the Equality Act seeks to protect against. For example, an HRC Foundation study showed that 37% of LGBTQ+ workers have heard bisexual-specific jokes in the workplace that are offensive and harmful.
No one should face barriers at work or at school or in their homes or in their neighborhoods because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We must pass the Equality Act to eliminate these barriers for our bi+ community and provide recourse for those who experience discrimination and abuse.
This legislation would have a widespread impact on our bi+ community. There are still 28 states that lack explicit statewide non-discrimination protections that include bisexual people. This creates risks for our bi+ community.
A person could be turned away from refugee services for being bisexual.
A man and his wife risk being evicted from their home because their landlord found out one of them previously dated a person of the same sex.
A pansexual person could be refused service at a restaurant or in a bar while trying to celebrate their anniversary with their partner.
All of us are responsible for changing this. We all have a role to play in passing the Equality Act, not only for ourselves, but for our neighbors, friends, and fellow members of the bi+ community. If you’re ready to get involved, check out these four things you can do right now to help us pass the Equality Act. And be sure to follow HRC on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook to stay up to date on all of our work to pass the Equality Act and achieve equal rights for the entire LGBTQ+ community.