by HRC Staff •
HRC volunteers in Texas mobilized thousands of supporters across the state ahead of hearings on anti-LGBTQ legislation.
Post submitted by HRC Texas Field Team
In response to a slew of anti-LGBTQ bills intoduced this legislative session, HRC volunteers in Texas mobilized thousands of supporters across the state ahead of hearings on anti-LGBTQ legislation. From phonebanks to textbanks, volunteers are looking for ways to make the fight against this dangerous legislation more accessible to all -- especially when traveling to Austin to testify could mean a 16-hour round-trip drive for many Texas.
Regardless of location, supporters of equality throughout Texas can take effective action against the proposed anti-LGBTQ legislation by contacting their legislators today -- and it takes less than 5 minutes.
Texans can call their state representative and ask them to vote NO on legislation that discriminates against LGBTQ Texans. Conversely, they can write a letter asking their legislators to support pro-equality proposals
We see time and time again that when constituents call on their legislators to elevate priority issues, legislative offices pay attention.
Outside of the “Austin bubble,” far too many Texans will not hear about the egregious attempts to rollback progress on LGBTQ equality unless they receive a personal call from a volunteer.
This is why HRC volunteers in Dallas, Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio and Austin organized phonebanks last week -- a key week in the Texas legislative session when three anti-LGBTQ Senate bills had a hearing. HRC volunteers made nearly 2,000 calls and sent 3,000 texts to share the most urgent information and ways to take action with Texans in all corners of the Lone Star State.
HRC is grateful to be joined by our state partners, including the ACLU of Texas and Lambda Legal, and dozens of volunteers who came together in solidarity at a critical point in the Texas legislative session. Together, we will keep reaching supporters of equality across the state and fighting back against attempts to undermine equality in Texas.
Sign up to phone bank TODAY by visiting:
Text TEXAS to 472472 to take action from where you are.
Contact Sissi Yado, HRC senior regional field manager, at for more information about how to join HRC in a city near you.