by HRC Staff •
HRC’s second annual Global Innovative Advocacy Summit program began yesterday in Washington, D.C.
Post submitted by Saurav Jung Thapa, Associate Director of Research, HRC Global and Jay Gilliam, Senior Global Programs Officer, HRC Global
HRC’s second annual Global Innovative Advocacy Summit program began yesterday in Washington, D.C.
Read about and see pics of the top four highlights from its first day.
The first day of the Global Summit focused on storytelling and its importance to LGBTQ work everywhere around the world.
HRC Project One America Director Ben Needham moderated a panel on building public awareness through storytelling. Global innovators from Bangladesh, Sudan and Uganda participated in the panel along with HRC Associate Director of Video Ben Shallenberger, who has produced many viral videos for HRC in the last nine years.
The panelists discussed the power of videos to capture stories of LGBTQ lives, challenges and opportunities and convey it with impact and meaning to the community and to wider audiences.
The global innovators heard about HRC’s remarkable 37-year journey from amazing leaders - who led and continue to lead - the organization.
Two former HRC leaders, Vic Basile and Joe Solmonese, and Senior Vice President for Development & Membership Cathy Nelson, a 27-year veteran of the organization, shared their inspiring stories in a session moderated by Senior Vice President for Programs, Research and Training Mary Beth Maxwell.
Basile marveled at HRC’s tremendous growth and described how the organization had only three staff and a 600 square feet office in the early 1980’s when he was its leader.
Global innovators from India, Peru, Tunisia and Croatia gave Innovation-talks modeled on the TEDx Talks.
For example, Abhina Aher of India showed a video and talked about how Dancing Queens, a transgender dancing troupe she founded, is working with allies and raising social awareness in her country on LGBTQ issues and challenges.
Global innovators networked with a variety of LGBTQ organizations from around the U.S. to learn more about how these organizations support global equality advocates and organizations.
On Monday, the global innovators visited the World Bank, had a roundtable discussion with U.S. Representatives Joe Kennedy (D-MA) and Alan Lowenthal (D-CA) and attended a reception with the Norwegian Ambassador to the U.S. Kare R. Aas.
Follow the daily Global Summit blogs here and follow conversations online at #HRCGlobalSummit.
Visuals created by Kat Haugh.