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by Guest Contributors •
Article written by Akeem M. Muller (he/him), Senior at Morehouse College and HBCU Leadership Summit Attendee
The Human Rights Campaign’s HBCU Leadership Summit is more than a summit—as an attendee, it was a journey that ignited a transformative flame inside of me. In the realm of knowledge, surrounded by my peers and educators, I found power, not just as a leader but as an individual. This summit, to me, stands as a living testament to our existence, our resilience, and the greatness we inherently possess as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.
For 20 years, HRC’s HBCU program and leadership summit have been beacons of support and inclusivity. It goes beyond providing resources; it creates an environment where LGBTQ+ individuals can truly thrive. Embracing LGBTQ+ inclusivity is not just a step towards acceptance; it's a celebration of diversity and unity within our community.
Entering the summit, I thought I knew everything about being myself and existing within my community. Little did I know that this experience would surpass my expectations. It wasn't just about leadership; it was about the profound impact of knowledge. Learning from my peers, and team leaders opened doors to growth that extended beyond my established leadership skills.
The dedicated facilitators, directors, and inspirational figures in attendance provided me with the refreshing assurance that greatness is within reach. Throughout the event I found myself thinking this was so much more than an educational experience; it was proof. Proof that we, as a community, can not only exist but also thrive.
As I reflect on this transformative journey, I'm reminded of the importance of empowering Black LGBTQ+ students, especially on HBCU campuses. Moving forward, my advice is simple yet profound: create spaces that celebrate diversity, educate on LGBTQ+ issues, and establish mentorship programs.
For those considering attending a future HBCU Leadership Summit, or getting involved with HRC's HBCU program, I highly recommend it. Both have been instrumental factors in my personal and leadership development. This summit reinforced that my potential for greatness knows no bounds, and by embracing inclusivity, I can pave the way for a brighter and more united future.