Scholarship Database

Your search returned 394 results

PFLAG Indianapolis Dina Wakulchik Memorial Scholarship
offered by PFLAG- Indianapolis
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  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Indiana (Exclusive)
This $1000 scholarship is in memory of Dina Wakulchik, a straight ally, who was devoted to Indy PFLAG's mission to support and advocate for our LGBTQ friends and family. Available to any student who has been accepted to an accredited institution of higher education or to a vocational institution. **Indiana residents **Deadline TBD, likely June 15
Learn More about PFLAG Indianapolis Dina Wakulchik Memorial Scholarship

PFLAG Indianapolis Betty Salwak Memorial Scholarship
offered by PFLAG - Indianapolis
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  • Graduate
  • Undergraduate
  • Indiana (Exclusive)
This $1000 scholarship is in memory of Betty Salwak, a straight ally, who served as Indianapolis PFLAG’s Secretary. Available to any student who has been accepted to an accredited institution of higher education or to a vocational institution. **Indiana residents **Deadline TBD, likely June 15
Learn More about PFLAG Indianapolis Betty Salwak Memorial Scholarship

PFLAG Hartford Helen and Bob Brill Scholarship
offered by PFLAG - Hartford
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  • Undergraduate
  • Connecticut (Exclusive)
Named for PFLAG Hartford co-founders, Helen and Bob Brill, the Brill Scholarship recognizes Connecticut students between the ages of 16 and 24 who are involved in support, education, and/or advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community. The Brill Scholarship is awarded annually to help defray the cost of higher education. **Connecticut residents; community college or 4-year college/university
Learn More about PFLAG Hartford Helen and Bob Brill Scholarship

PFLAG Greensboro Carter Stroupe Memorial Scholarship
offered by PFLAG - Greensboro
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  • Undergraduate
  • North Carolina (Exclusive)
The Carter Stroupe Memorial Scholarship is dedicated to celebrating and supporting the continuing education for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, and LGBTQ+ allied students who exhibit courage and leadership in their schools and communities. **Resident of Guilford/Rockingham/Randolph/Alamance counties, NC
Learn More about PFLAG Greensboro Carter Stroupe Memorial Scholarship

PFLAG Greater Boston Scholarship
offered by PFLAG - Greater Boston
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  • Transgender
  • Gender non-conforming
  • Non-Binary
  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bisexual
  • Undergraduate
  • Massachusetts (Exclusive)
Each year, Greater Boston PFLAG awards one scholarship to a high school senior who has demonstrated leadership in improving their community’s climate for LGBTQ+ youth. Applicants must be planning to enroll in a 2 or 4 year college or technical/vocational school in the next academic year, and are awarded for years of consecutive enrollment. All students are welcome and encouraged to apply, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. **Massachusetts graduating high school seniors
Deadline: January 31, 2022
Learn More about PFLAG Greater Boston Scholarship

PFLAG Franklin-Hampshire Eric Collins Memorial Award
offered by PFLAG - Franklin - Hampshire Chapter
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  • Undergraduate
  • New Hampshire (Exclusive)
The Eric Collins Memorial Award nominees are those high school senior-age youth who are from Franklin County or from Hampshire County and have contributed to the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies, through advocacy, support and/or education. The award is open to eligible high school senior-age youth regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. **Graduating high school seniors; Franklin or Hampshire County residents; Nomination only **Deadline TBD, likely May
Learn More about PFLAG Franklin-Hampshire Eric Collins Memorial Award

PFLAG Detroit Four $500 Scholarships
offered by PFLAG - Detroit
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  • Michigan (Exclusive)
PFLAG Detroit is pleased to provide up to four (4) $500 college scholarships for students who have shown support for LGBTQ+ individuals or programs. The Scholarship is open to all persons regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, living in Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties. **Begins accepting nominations Sept. 1st annually; Oakland/Macomb/Wayne counties
Learn More about PFLAG Detroit Four $500 Scholarships

PFLAG Denver Scholarship
offered by PFLAG - Denver
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  • Undergraduate
  • Colorado (Exclusive)
​PFLAG Denver will award scholarships of $1,000 and higher to graduating high school seniors, recent graduates (within 1 year), and GED recipients who identify as LGBTQIA+ or as an Ally. These scholarships are based on outstanding advocacy and service work done in the student's communities. Scholarship funds may be used for expenses related to two and four-year institutions, as well as technical colleges, and apprenticeship programs. **Deadline TBD, likely April
Learn More about PFLAG Denver Scholarship

PFLAG Dayton LGBTQ and Ally Scholarship
offered by The Dayton Foundation
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  • Undergraduate
  • Ohio (Exclusive)
The PFLAG Dayton LGBTQ+ and Ally Scholarship was established with the Dayton Foundation in 2021 to offer scholarships to assist outstanding students in the Miami Valley pursue their education at an accredited college or vocational institution. Scholarship recipients will be required to attend the PFLAG awards event to accept the scholarship. **Applicants must be a graduate of a high school in the Miami Valley; 2 or 4 year college, university, or trade school w/ at least 9 credits** Deadline likely in March
Learn More about PFLAG Dayton LGBTQ and Ally Scholarship

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