Post-Election Guide - 10 Actions Educators Can Take

Produced by the HRC Foundation

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation and Welcoming Schools are committed to ensuring educators have the tools to support LGBTQ+ students. 

Right now, educators need to provide support and affirmation for students by letting them know they are valued and that they have adults who will advocate and practice inclusivity to support LGBTQ+ students, families and school communities. 

Welcoming Schools has compiled a list of 10 actions that ALL classroom educators and school staff can do to support LGBTQ+ youth and families directly. 

Classroom Management, Family Engagement and Student Support 

Educators play a key role in creating a classroom climate that fosters belonging, empathy, understanding, and respect among all students. These practices build a foundation for a safe and welcoming school experience. 

  1. Use and Encourage Inclusive Language: Address students using gender-inclusive language, such as “students” or “scholars,” referring to the school mascot, or terms related to grade level and subject, such as ‘7th graders’ or ‘artists.’ 
  2. Creatively Group Students: Sort students in ways that do not rely on gender or physical traits, such as by numbers, colors, and common interests. 
  3. Support Student Clubs: Celebrate school student-led clubs, such as GSAs or Rainbow Clubs, that focus on LGBTQ+ support, education, and advocacy by becoming a club advisor, regularly attending events, and encouraging student participation. 
  4. Build Trust and Open Communication: Be someone students know they can turn to. When students feel safe sharing with you, listen actively to their needs and experiences. 
  5. Establish a Safe Classroom Environment: Create a culture where all students feel comfortable being themselves. Interrupt gender bias and stereotypes by encouraging students to explore a range of interests and activities. Use classroom agreements about kindness, respect, and inclusion, and reinforce that bullying and teasing are unacceptable. 
  6. Respond to Teachable Moments: Be responsive and intervene with clear action against bullying behaviors and harassment. Be proactive in stopping any teasing or stereotypical comments related to gender, sexual orientation or family. When it occurs, calmly explain why such comments are unkind and remind students of the classroom values and agreements (#5). 
  7. Use Inclusive Language in All Communications: In letters, emails, and forms, use terms like “parent,” “family member,” or “guardian” rather than “mom and dad” to acknowledge diverse family structures and home support teams. This also includes ensuring that communication is sent in the caregivers' home language. 
  8. Avoid Assumptions in Communication: Be mindful not to assume the gender or marital status of student caregivers. Confirm who is in a child’s support network and include them in all communications and events. Be open to any family member being involved in various ways. 
  9. Organize Inclusive Events: Design family events with inclusivity in mind using neutral titles like “Family Night” or “Muffins in the Morning.” Respecting cultural practices and religious holidays to avoid scheduling conflicts and increase attendance is critical.
  10.   Ensure Privacy and Confidentiality: Some LGBTQ+ families may be cautious about how much they share. Respect family privacy and avoid singling out students or families based on identity

Be Diligent About Addressing Biased-Based Bullying 

In the last year, there has already been a significant uptick in anti-LGBTQ+ motivated violence, harassment, and bullying in K-12 schools. Sadly, this is likely to increase in the coming year. Educators and administrators should be diligent in their efforts to address biased-based bullying and keep all students safe. 

Resources on addressing bias-based bullying: 

For those with the capacity to do more, here are ways you can engage and support your students. 

The Human Rights Campaign reports on news, events and resources of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that are of interest to the general public and further our common mission to support the LGBTQ+ community.
LGBTQ+ Youth

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