by Wyatt Ronan •
As Department of Education Begins Process of Reviewing Title IX Regulations, Human Rights Campaign Outlines Needed Changes to Existing Rule and Applauds Biden Administration for Taking Action to Address Them
WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Monday, the Department of Education began a listening session that will span from June 7th to 11th focused on gathering information for improving enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 following the Trump administration’s harmful changes to the rule in recent years as well as the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County.
As outlined in more detail below, the Trump administration made harmful and discriminatory changes to Title IX regulations in recent years — endangering and harming LGBTQ students across the country — and the actions being taken by the Biden administration to begin undoing those unjust changes and implementing the Bostock decision to ensure LGBTQ students and survivors of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, can go to school and learn in environments free from harassment and discrimination.
As LGBTQ students face disproportionately high rates of discrimination and stigma that can make it difficult for survivors to report sexual assault and harassment, it’s clear that updates must be made to Title IX regulations to reverse the harmful changes implemented by the Trump administration,” said Human Rights Campaign President Alphonso David. “Every LGBTQ student deserves the chance to learn and grow in an environment free from discrimination and harassment. We applaud the Biden administration for following through with their promise to implement the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County and taking steps to make Title IX regulations more inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity by starting this listening session, and look forward to continuing to work with the president to ensure all students are protected and empowered moving forward.
Under the Trump administration, the Department of Education ushered through a series of controversial and discriminatory regulatory changes to Title IX – the federal civil rights law that protects students from discrimination in federally-funded educational activities and programs – dismantling long-standing protections and opening the door to sex-based discrimination against LGBTQ students.
In March, President Biden issued Executive Order 14021 to begin the process of undoing the Trump administration’s harmful actions undermining Title IX and protections for LGBTQ students.
Under President Biden’s direction, the Department of Education is now conducting a comprehensive review of Title IX regulations to address the discriminatory changes made by the Trump administration and ensure LGBTQ students are able to learn and grow in environments free of harassment and discrimination.
The Human Rights Campaign applauds President Biden for taking action to protect LGBTQ students and strongly supports new regulations at the Department of Education to address the Trump Administration’s changes to Title IX and ensure sexual orientation and gender identity are covered by the law’s provisions preventing discrimination
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