by HRC Staff •
Groups working for freedom to marry in Maryland remain committed.
Annapolis, MD. - Today a coalition of groups including Equality Maryland, the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Gill Action released the following joint statement in response to developments in the debate over ending the exclusion of same-sex couples from the freedom to marry in Maryland:
"Already this year we have made tremendous progress toward winning the freedom to marry for same-sex couples in Maryland. Successful votes in the full Senate and House committee show there is a strong and growing movement toward the freedom to marry. Over the past several days it has become clear that additional time to continue the marriage conversation in the state will better position the Civil Marriage Protection Act for success. By taking a bit more time, the majority of Marylanders who support the freedom to marry in the state will have the opportunity to have their voices heard by their legislators.
"We are thankful to the leadership for taking these steps to ensure that all Maryland families will be respected at the earliest possible date. We remain optimistic that very soon all Maryland families will be treated equally under the law. We thank Governor Martin O'Malley, House Speaker Michael Busch, Majority Leader Kumar Barve, and the Maryland LGBT Legislative Caucus for their tireless efforts."
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