Statement by Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese on Annise Parker Winning the Houston Mayo

by HRC Staff

"Another milestone in the quest for LGBT equality was reached last night with the historic election of Annise Parker as Mayor of Houston. Annise is an incredibly qualified and gifted public servant, who focused her campaign on public safety, the economy and the future of Houston. She stood up to last minute anti-gay attacks with grace, courage and determination which carried the day. Houston, America's fourth largest city, sent a positive message to the nation, that it chose the best person for the job based on her experience and qualifications, while at the same time breaking another glass ceiling. We congratulate Annise on her stunning victory, and we congratulate the Victory Fund for their tireless and successful work on her behalf."

"Another milestone in the quest for LGBT equality was reached last night with the historic election of Annise Parker as Mayor of Houston. Annise is an incredibly qualified and gifted public servant, who focused her campaign on public safety, the economy and the future of Houston. She stood up to last minute anti-gay attacks with grace, courage and determination which carried the day. Houston, America's fourth largest city, sent a positive message to the nation, that it chose the best person for the job based on her experience and qualifications, while at the same time breaking another glass ceiling. We congratulate Annise on her stunning victory, and we congratulate the Victory Fund for their tireless and successful work on her behalf."

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