by Brandon Wolf •
HRC’s Kelley Robinson: “We're Not Just Fighting Against Project 2025 - We're Fighting for a Future Where Such Hateful Schemes Are Unthinkable”
MILWAUKEE — Today, Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson and other civil rights and advocacy leaders spoke at a press conference outside Milwaukee City Hall, committed to working together toward a hopeful vision for our future. This posed a stark contrast to the chorus of hate and division during this year’s Republican National Convention. The day’s speakers also emphasized the clear threat posed by the dystopian Project 2025 plan that MAGA bullies have for America.
The leaders who joined in solidarity with Robinson to speak up and speak out were Tanya Atkinson, President of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, Angela Lang, Executive Director of Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC), Pam Fendt, President of Milwaukee Area Labor Council, and Peggy Wirtz-Olsen, President of Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC).
The state of Wisconsin, a key battleground state in the 2024 presidential election is a reflection of Americans’ overwhelming rejection of MAGA attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive freedom, and democracy itself. A total of 79% of Wisconsin residents support non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people with 73% supporting same-sex marriage. A majority of Wisconsinites also support legalized abortion in all or most cases.
Some excerpts from Robinson’s remarks:
“The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. Every day we wake up to a new headline that just shakes us to our core. But it’s in times like this, in times of uncertainty, that we have to remind ourselves who we are and what we are fighting for. We are fighting for a world where every lesbian, gay, bi, queer and trans person can live openly, can love freely, and can thrive without fear. We’re fighting for a world where our identities are celebrated, not merely tolerated. We are fighting for a world where our families are recognized and protected, where our youth grow up knowing they are valued and supported. And this isn't just a dream - this world is within our reach.”
“Project 2025 wants to enforce a national ban on healthcare, from abortion access to healthcare for transgender folks. Let that sink in. They want to target our lifesaving care for Americans of all ages across this country. They are coming after our fundamental right to exist, and it doesn’t stop there. They’re calling for plans that outlaw transgender people’s right to exist. They want to redefine families to exclude people that love like me. They want to cut federal funding for our families. They want to attack our relationships and our kids, they want to attack our right to be recognized at all. They're coming for anti-discrimination protections. They’re coming for all that we've fought for in workplaces, in housing and public accommodations - they want to take it all away. But I’m clear about this, that in moments like this we’re not without hope and we are certainly not without power. And we are gathered here to fight back.”
The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.
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