by HRC Staff •
Washington - NBC News/ Wall Street Journal today released a national survey on marriage equality that reflects the ongoing sea change in public opinion on the issue - across a number of demographics, including party affiliation, age, and ethnicity.
“Today’s poll is yet another sign of where the country is moving - and moving at lightning speed,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “We’ve seen significant jumps in a number of respected polls over the past few years, confirming it’s a question of when, not if, we achieve full marriage equality.”
The NBC/WSJ survey showed marriage equality has strong majority backing among Democrats (up 12 points from 2009) and a plurality of Independents (up 9 points). There was a large increase in support among African Americans - 32% favored in 2009 to 50% now. And a majority in both the 18-34 and 50-64 age brackets favor marriage for gay and lesbian couples.
Overall, 49% of Americans support committed, loving gay and lesbian couples getting married, according to the poll, with 40% opposed. In 2009, support for marriage equality was at only 41%, with 49% opposed. Other recent national polls, including from CNN, Gallup, AP, register majority support for the issue.
The poll was conducted February 29-March 3, 2012, of 800 adults, including 200 cell phone-only respondents which included GOP primary voters. The poll can be found here.
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