by HRC Staff •
Ummah Endowment Fund Award Recognizes Years of Work on HIV/AIDS and Disproportionate Effect on African-Americans
WASHINGTON - On Saturday, July 16, the Human Rights Campaign was honored by the Ummah Endowment Fund, a Washington-based HIV/AIDS organization, at its annual White Attire Affair, a social marketing event that also raises important funds to help curb the disproportionate effect of the disease on the African-American community. The organization presented HRC President Joe Solmonese with the 2006 White Attire Affair Ummah LIVE! Award.
"The Human Rights Campaign is honored to be recognized by the Ummah Endowment Fund for our years of work on HIV/AIDS issues and their effect on communities of color," said Solmonese. "For many years, we have stood by national leaders with a strong commitment to ending the scourge of HIV and AIDS in the African-American community. From lobbying on Capitol Hill for increased funding for culturally conscious prevention programs to our Historically Black Colleges and Universities program that arms students and faculty with tools to speak the truth about GLBT issues, it is critical that we recognize not only how far we've come, but how far we have to go. The Human Rights Campaign is committed to standing side-by-side with community leaders in fighting the scourge of HIV and AIDS in the African-American community."
The Human Rights Campaign's HIV/AIDS advocacy work has a strong focus on countering the devastation of the epidemic in the African-American community. That work includes:
ᄡLobbying alongside a variety of allies for increased funding of the minority HIV/AIDS initiative
ᄡSupporting efforts to target communities of color with effectively, culturally competent and science-based prevention efforts
ᄡSupporting the Responsible Education About Life Act, a measure that would create federal funding stream for comprehensive sexuality education in schools
ᄡLobbying for the Ryan White CARE Act, which gives critical funding to hundreds of thousands of African-Americans living with AIDS and
ᄡLobbying for increased Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS funds.
"The Ummah Endowment Fund is honored to have HRC as a longtime supporter and partner in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the Washington area," said Ummah Chairman and CEO Clyde H. Penn Jr. "Because of HRC's committment, Ummah has been able to reach thousands of African-Americans with life-saving HIV/AIDS prevention messages and information, as well as contribute thousands of dollars to HIV/AIDS service organizations who are fighting to keep African-Americans alive. Health disparities are the number-one issue facing African-Americans in this country, with HIV/AIDS at the top of the list of health threats. HRC and Ummah are committed to narrowing the gap in health care by increasing support and communication around HIV/AIDS."
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender political organization with members throughout the country. It effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support and educates the public to ensure that GLBT Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.
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