by Wyatt Ronan •
Today, the Human Rights Campaign announced its endorsement of California State Senator Scott Wiener for re-election.
A former member of the Human Rights Campaign’s Board of Directors, California State Senator Scott Wiener has been at the forefront of progress for our community in California. From combatting the HIV epidemic to expanding gender options on government documents, Wiener has one of the most stellar pro-equality legislative records in the nation.
“The Human Rights Campaign is proud to endorse Senator Scott Wiener, a tireless champion of LGBTQ issues, for reelection,” said Alphonso David, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “When California’s 1,615,000 LGBTQ people need a leader and an advocate, they know they can rely on Senator Wiener's unwavering support. The Human Rights Campaign is grateful for his leadership as the Chair of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus and his work to make California one of the most inclusive and welcoming states in America. By reelecting him this fall, San Franciscans and all Californians can look forward to Senator Wiener continuing to lead the fight for equality in California.
“I’m deeply honored to be endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign,” said Senator Wiener. “I’ve fought for the LGBTQ community since I came out 30 years ago, and I bring my LGBTQ activism to my role as an elected official. I fight every day for our community, whether protecting trans people in prison, ensuring LGBTQ seniors in nursing homes are treated with dignity, expanding access to PrEP and PEP, decriminalizing HIV, or ending discrimination against LGBTQ young people on the sex offender registry. I’ll always stand up for our community and look forward to continued work with HRC on the issues that matter.”
In the 2018 midterms, HRC mobilized our grassroots army of 3.2 million members, supporters, and volunteers to work on behalf of pro-equality candidates and engage pro-equality voters. This unprecedented grassroots mobilization worked to recruit and train volunteers, register and mobilize voters and grow the organization's political organizing efforts in order to pull the emergency brake on the hateful anti-LGBTQ agenda of the Trump-Pence administration and elect a Congress that would hold them accountable.
In 2020, our engagement and mobilization efforts have only deepened.While in person organizing has been limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, HRC has embraced digital organizing, launching a new tool called TEAM allowing our broad network of volunteers and steering committees to engage their networks personally and hundreds of virtual phone banks and text banks to engage pro-equality voters even without the ability to interact in person.
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