by HRC Staff •
2012 Coming Out Day theme is Come Out and Vote for Equality
WASHINGTON– The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization and Rock the Vote have announced a new and exciting partnership for National Coming Out Day (NCOD) 2012. NCOD – a globally celebrated event that encourages LGBT people and their supporters to be visible by living open and honest lives – is celebrated each October 11. This year HRC and Rock the Vote are celebrating National Coming Out Day with the theme “Come Out and Vote for Equality.” Rock the Vote's mission is to engage and build political power for young people in our country.
“With so much at stake this year, young voters will make the difference in key states with marriage equality ballot initiatives and in electing fair-minded candidates at all levels across the country,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “We are honored to partner with Rock the Vote in such an important election season.”
“Young voters in this country have an historic opportunity to make a difference in this year’s elections,” said Heather Smith, Executive Director of Rock the Vote. “We are proud to partner with the Human Rights Campaign to mobilize voters across the country."
Polling shows that when people know an LGBT person personally, they are much more likely to support equality. By coming out, LGBT people will encourage their friends, family, and coworkers to vote for fair-minded candidates. HRC and Rock the Vote’s partnership will help spread the word about the importance of voting, particularly on college campuses.
Founded twenty-one years ago at the intersection of popular culture and politics, Rock the Vote has registered more than five million young people to vote and has become a trusted source of information for young people about registering to vote and casting a ballot. Rock the Vote uses music, popular culture, new technologies and grassroots organizing to motivate and mobilize young people in our country to participate in every election, with the goal of seizing the power of the youth vote to create political and social change.
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political organization with members throughout the country. It effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support and educates the public to ensure that LGBT Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.
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