by HRC Staff •
'The nation's leading health experts agree that the right to marry is good for all families,' said HRC's Seth Kilbourn.
WASHINGTON - The Human Rights Campaign's Seth Kilbourn, vice president for the HRC Marriage Project, made the following statement praising the American Psychiatric Association's national assembly for their overwhelming vote in favor of a resolution supporting marriage for same-sex couples:
"The nation's leading health experts agree that the right to marry is good for all families. The APA decision reflects this growing consensus among mental health experts. Families headed by same-sex couples are in nearly every county in America and when families are stronger, the country is stronger."
The resolution, voted on by 250 representatives from around the United States, is expected to be adopted by the organization's board of trustees in July.
In a February 2002 statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics said, "Children deserve to know that their relationships with both of their parents are stable and legally recognized. This applies to all children, whether their parents are of the same or opposite sex." In a June 2004 statement, the American Medical Association said, "Having two fully sanctioned and legally defined parents promotes a safe and nurturing environment for children, including psychological and legal security." And in a July 2004 statement, the American Psychological Association said that it "believes that it is unfair and discriminatory to deny same-sex couples legal access to civil marriage and to all its attendant benefits, rights and privileges."
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