by HRC Staff •
On Thursday, June 26, 2008 history was made when, for the first time, Congress held a hearing exclusively on the issue of workplace discrimination against transgender Americans. The Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions of the House Education and Labor Committee held the hearing entitled "An Examination of Discrimination Against Transgender Americans."
The hearing was a critical part of efforts by HRC and the entire GLBT community to educate Members of Congress about the issues facing transgender Americans and the need for federal protections based on gender identity.
HRC worked with a coalition of groups, as well as Congressional allies - including Subcommittee Chairman Rob Andrews (D-NJ), Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) - to ensure that the hearing sent a strong message to Congress about the need for fully-inclusive federal workplace protections. HRC activated resources throughout the organization to ensure that a diverse group of voices - from Fortune 500 corporations to faith leaders to our members throughout the country - were heard in support of federal employment protections for transgender workers.
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