by Charles Joughin •
Why would Gov. Jindal be the face of an event supporting such a radical organization deemed a hate group?
WASHINGTON – Next month Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal will host an event on the campus of Louisiana State University sponsored by the American Family Association (AFA) – an organization that has called for an “Underground Railroad” to take children from gay and lesbian parents and claims the Boy Scouts of America would be better off drowning in the sea than allowing openly gay Scouts. This begs the question of whether Gov. Jindal, who is willingly aligning himself with AFA by headlining one of its most widely attended annual events, supports the extremist positions taken by the organization and its leadership.
“If Gov. Jindal is going to be the face of this event, he should have to say whether he agrees with the disgusting things AFA has said about LGBT people,” said Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Vice President for Communications Fred Sainz. “Voters deserve to know whether a person considering a run for president believes God is using terrorists to attack America for supporting LGBT people.”
Earlier this year, HRC compiled a “Top 10” list of horrible things AFA has said and done over the years:
1. AFA’s Bryan Fischer blames the Holocaust on LGBT people, stating, “Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews.”
2. AFA’s Fischer has called for an “Underground Railroad” to take children from gay and lesbian parents.
3. Fischer has compared making criminalizing LGBT people with bans on murder, stealing, child molestation, delicious trans fats and prostitution.
4. AFA says God is going to use ISIS to punish America for being tolerant of LGBT people.
5. AFA supported the passage of Uganda’s deplorable anti-gay law, which calls for LGBT Ugandans or anyone “promoting” homosexuality to be jailed – potentially for life.
6. AFA thinks the Boy Scouts of America would be better off drowning in the sea than allowing LGBT Scouts.
7. AFA compares LGBT people to pedophiles and people who have sex with animals: "We should discriminate against unnatural and aberrant sexual behavior, whether pedophilia, bestiality, or homosexuality."
8. AFA thinks fewer students will commit suicide if adults tell young people it is wrong to be LGBT and help them to “choose” to be straight – a practice that has been condemned by every major medical and mental health organization in the country.
9. AFA thinks the NFL celebrating Michael Sam coming out as gay is the same as the NFL celebrating “a brain concussion.”
10. AFA supports criminalizing LGBT people and, when talking about punishment, asks, "Do you put them to death, do you lock 'em up...what do you do?"
The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. HRC envisions a world where LGBT people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.
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