Four New Anti-Gay Voices Added to Interactive Wall on Human Rights Campaign's

by HRC Staff calls out mistruths and distortions used against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

WASHINGTON -The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization, today added four new anti-gay voices to its interactive wall on, a website confronting lies and distortions repeatedly used to defeat LGBT equality measures. refutes these mistruths with respectful dialogue and grassroots action. The latest additions to the wall are right-wing groups America Forever and National Organization for Marriage, anti-gay activist Elaine Donnelly, and Hawaii State Representative Lynn Finnegan.'s interactive wall features videos, audio, pictures, and quotes, calling out those who maliciously use lies and misinformation to interfere with the LGBT community's path to equality. By clicking on the panels of the wall, users can access more information about those highlighted, watch videos, add comments on multimedia discussion boards, and learn how to take action to counteract their misdeeds.

"I can think of no person or group more worthy of inclusion in's interactive wall than America Forever, the National Organization for Marriage, Elaine Donnelly and Hawaii State Representative Lynn Finnegan," said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. "Again and again, opponents of equality have claimed one shallow victory after another by telling lies about who we are as individuals, as loving couples and as families. These lies must be called out for what they are every time the right-wing seeks to derail our progress by spreading distortions and inciting fear mongering."

America Forever, a Utah-based group, has been faxing hateful flyers denouncing marriage for lesbian and gay couples to businesses in Vermont, where marriage equality legislation is currently under consideration in the state legislature. The group claims that marriage for lesbian and gay couples would trample on the rights of children and that "HRC of the homosexuals is the most powerful lobbying group in the world."

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) created an anti- marriage equality radio ad playing in Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. NOM's website falsely and outlandishly warns that "religious groups may be denied the use of parks and other public facilities, unless they endorse gay marriage." The three targeted states are all considering pro-LGBT equality legislation.

Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, claims that allowing lesbians and gays to serve openly in the military will sanction "inappropriate passive/aggressive actions common in the homosexual community" and "the ensuing sexual tension will hurt discipline and morale."

Hawaii State Minority Leader, Rep. Lynn Finnegan, voted against HB 444, a Hawaii civil unions bill. She said, "If we push to have government certify or make legal a union or marriage between the same sex, I believe that we push what is accepted to what will be promoted."

The interactive wall includes videos, audio, pictures, and quotes from the anti-gay figures it highlights. By clicking on the panels of the wall, users can access more information about those on the wall, watch videos, add comments on multimedia discussion boards, and learn how to take action to counteract their misdeeds. Along with the four new additions, the wall currently features the American Family Association (AFA), the elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern, and Utah State Senator Chris Buttars, Proposition 8 lawyer Ken Starr, right-wing media personality Rush Limbaugh, and GOP Chairman Michael Steele. Users can also nominate their own candidates for inclusion on the wall.

"Tools like will be critical to our community's upcoming legislative battles, including passage of the Matthew Shepard Act in 111th Congress," continued Solmonese.

The Human Rights Campaign is America's largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. By inspiring and engaging all Americans, HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.

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