by HRC Staff •
'No family should have to leave their home to be protected under the law,' said HRC President Joe Solmonese.
WASHINGTON - Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese made the following statement today in reaction to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's comment on Sunday while signing a measure that sends to voters a proposed state constitutional amendment that purports to deny marriage to same-sex couples. Perry said, "Texans have made a decision about marriage and if there is some other state that has a more lenient view than Texas then maybe that's a better place for them to live."
"No family should have to leave their home to be protected under the law," said Solmonese. "Almost 43,000 same-sex couples live in Texas and Governor Perry should be treating those families with the same amount of respect and dignity that he gives other constituents. To suggest that thousands upon thousands of families leave his state sends an extremely disturbing message. We call on the governor to make it clear that all Texan families should feel welcome in their home state.
"We applaud the Lesbian and Gay Rights Lobby of Texas (LGRL) for fighting this divisive amendment and will continue to partner with them. As this constitutional amendment heads to the ballot we urge all fair-minded Texans to speak out against it and affirm that Texas should be opening doors, rather than closing them."
Perry made the statement at a bill signing Sunday, according to the local NBC news.
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