by Charles Joughin •
WASHINGTON – Today the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Board put off a decision on changing its membership policy to include gay scouts. Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Chad Griffin issued this statement in response to the Board’s inaction.
“Every day that the Boy Scouts of America delay action is another day that discrimination prevails,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Now is the time for action. Young Americans, gay and straight, are hurt by the inaction associated with today’s news. The BSA leadership should end this awful policy once and for all, and open the proud tradition of Scouting to all.”
According to news reports, BSA said Wednesday the organization will delay action on the resolution until its national meeting in May.
Poll results released today by Quinnipiac University show a strong majority of U.S. voters believe it is time for BSA to end its ban on openly gay members. Only 33 percent of voters said the ban should remain in place.
The Human Rights Campaign is the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political organization with members throughout the country. It effectively lobbies Congress, provides campaign support and educates the public to ensure that LGBT Americans can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.
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