$25,000 HRC Challenge Grant Supports MassEquality's Work in Bay State and Beyond

by HRC Staff

HRC demonstrated its ongoing commitment to GLBT equality in Massachusetts and New England by recently making a challenge grant to MassEquality. Through September 30, the grant pledges to match individual donations by individuals to MassEquality, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000. The grant was announced on June 24, and will support MassEquality's work to defend marriage equality in Massachusetts, achieve full equality for LGBT people in the Bay State, and support other New England states fighting for marriage equality.

The New England Blade quoted MassEquality Campaign Director Marc Solomon as saying: "The Human Rights Campaign has once again proven its focused leadership and dedication to promoting and protecting the rights of the LGBT community in Massachusetts and throughout New England. We're so thankful to have them as our reliable partner and friend in the movement for full equality."

The Human Rights Campaign is proud to support MassEquality as it continues its important work in Massachusetts and expands its work to assist other states.

Read more here.

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