by HRC Staff •
HRC members and supporters across the country will join demonstrations on August 26 to raise their voices to stop the Senate from confirming Brett Kavanaugh.
Post submitted by former HRC Digital Media Manager Helen Parshall
HRC members and supporters across the country will join demonstrations on August 26 to raise their voices to stop the Senate from confirming Brett Kavanaugh to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
This day of action across the U.S. puts the spotlight on the grave threat that Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination presents to LGBTQ equality, reproductive rights and affordable health care. Handpicked by organizations like Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, National Organization for Marriage and Breitbart, Kavanaugh’s nomination threatens the rights of LGBTQ people on many fronts.
St. Louis-based attorney Sarah Garber spoke with HRC ahead of the rally, where she will deliver remarks on behalf of other HRC members and supporters about the dangers posed by Kavanaugh’s nomination. Garber has been an HRC volunteer since 2012 and a member of HRC’s Board of Governors since 2014.
Why are you speaking out on Brett Kavanaugh?
As an attorney, I believe it is the role of our judiciary and, in particular, our Supreme Court to ensure that the rights of minority and marginalized communities aren't trampled by the individual beliefs of others. With Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, there is a strong possibility that the country's highest court will become a place where the ultra-conservative can come to have their personal beliefs enshrined into our nation's jurisprudence in the areas of LGBTQ equality, reproductive rights and health care.
How will his nomination harm LGBTQ people?
A vast majority of the progress toward full equality for LGBTQ people in the last 20 years has come from the Supreme Court in cases like Romer v. Evans, Lawrence v. Texas, Windsor and Obergefell. With Kavanaugh on the bench, we not only have the threat of reversing course on rights that have already been established, but also the chance of devastating rulings on issues like whether transgender Americans can serve in the military and whether LGBTQ people are covered by non-discrimination laws in housing, employment, education and public spaces.
What should HRC members and supporters know and how can they get involved to stop his nomination to the Supreme Court?
Kavanaugh's confirmation does not have to be a foregone conclusion. Get involved with organizations supporting the issues that matter to you. Contact your elected officials and urge them to reject this and all other nominees until this administration nominates someone who will not put their personal beliefs first and the rights of everyone else second. Lastly, as my favorite president once said, decisions are made by those who show up, so show up to the ballot box and make your voice heard with your vote.
The stakes with this nomination could not be higher. HRC calls on the U.S. Senate to fulfill its constitutional duty and reject this dangerous nominee. Text “Save SCOTUS” to 30644 to join us in this fight.