by HRC Staff •
In January, the Minnesota Legislature threatened to turn the clock back on progress, introducing several pieces of legislation that would enshrine discrimination into Minnesota law.
Post submitted by Chris Cooke, Western Regional Field Organizer
In January, the Minnesota Legislature threatened to turn the clock back on progress, introducing several pieces of legislation that would enshrine discrimination into Minnesota law. Worse, these bills -- HF 41, HF 43, and HF 23 -- specifically target minorities and children.
HF 41, otherwise known as the so-called “Student Physical Privacy Act,” revisits legislation from 2016 that was defeated. Similar to a provision in North Carolina’s disastrous HB2 law, the bill would prevent students from using public school restrooms consistent with their gender identity. This bill violates the privacy of students and subjects them to a dangerous learning environment.
HF 23, or the so-called “Student Religious Liberties Act,” threatens to legalize discrimination under the guise of religious liberty. Freedom of Religion is already firmly protected by the Constitution of the United States and the Minnesota Human Rights Act. In truth, this bill has nothing to do with religious liberty and everything to do with opening the door to discrimination.
Finally, HF 43 is a bill that could allow people to pick and choose which laws they will follow based on their purported religious beliefs. Swinging the door wide open to discrimination against LGBTQ people in public places, like restaurants or movie theaters and other common areas, the measure could have far reaching consequences that extend beyond the LGBTQ commuity.
On February 13, HF 1183 was introduced, an anti-transgender health bill. HRC will be watching this bill closely and will fight to protect transgender people across the state.
Minnesota has a history protecting civil rights and treating people with dignity and respect. Stand strong with HRC as we work to ensure that remains the case and discrimination does not become the new norm. We can’t turn our backs on the progress we’ve made. Join HRC in fighting back against these anti-LGBTQ bills by contacting your representatives now and demanding they abandon these legislative attacks.