by Hope Jackson •
On Tuesday, September 10, Equality Voters will have a clear choice in North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District Special Election: HRC endorsed Dan McCready.
On Tuesday, September 10, Equality Voters will have a clear choice in North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District Special Election: HRC endorsed Dan McCready.
For weeks, HRC staff and volunteers have launched voter contact efforts to reach out to members and supporters in the district and push them to the polls to vote early. By Election Day, HRC members and supporters across the district will have received phone calls, text messages and emails sharing information about the importance of this election.
There is a clear distinction between McCready and his opponent, Dan Bishop--the chief architect of anti-transgender HB2. Bishop has a long standing record of discriminatory animus from leading the fight to put voter ID on the ballot to his investment in a social media forum for white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far right extremists. At every opportunity Bishop has shown that he is aligned with the Trump-Pence administration. That’s why we need you to cast your vote for McCready and encourage family and friends to do the same.
We can’t stress enough that the outcome of this election is crucial. This is our chance to put the brakes on this administration’s rampant discriminatory actions, take down the architect of HB2, and demonstrate the fight we will bring to the 2020 elections. Your vote could mean the difference between moving equality forward or losing all that’s at stake.
HRC encourages all Equality Voters to cast their vote on Tuesday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. for McCready. We’ve seen the latest poll numbers and know we cannot take this election for granted. This election could come down to a small number of voters, and your vote for equality could make all the difference.
If you want to help us turnout the vote in this critical election, visit to find volunteer opportunities near you.
Paid for by Human Rights Campaign Equality Votes ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |