by Guest Contributors •
This year for the season of Lent, HRC Foundation launched a campaign that aims to tell the stories of LGBTQ people of faith.
This year for the season of Lent, HRC Foundation launched a campaign that aims to tell the stories of LGBTQ people of faith. The Lenten season marks the days which lead up to Jesus' crucifixion and subsequent resurrection.
For Christians, the resurrection is both a reminder and celebration of life, yet people continue to suffer, including members of the LGBTQ community.
“A central and inspiring part of my ministry has been working to make sure the institutional church -- and religion in general -- is affirming and inclusive of LGBTQ persons,” said the Reverend Dr. J. Edwin Bacon, author and reverend in the Episcopal Church. “I am a more joyful and faithful priest because of that part of my work.”
We hope the meditations offered every day from Ash Wednesday to Easter on April 16, will bless souls, revive spirits, renew minds and strengthen bodies. These stories will be hosted on the HRC website and on Twitter and Facebook.
The Lenten Devotional is a faith-filled resource that compiles meditations written by 47 faith leaders from across the United States. This project and other public education work with faith leaders in HRC Alabama, HRC Arkansas and HRC Mississippi is made possible in part by the generous support of the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation.
I am the Christian mother of gay sons who happen to be believers in Christ as well.
I was raised in a particular denomination that at best struggles, and at worst refuses to believe that an LGBTQ person can be a believer.
I believe in my heart differently.
Not only can I look into the eyes of my sons and hear them confess their belief, I have been blessed to travel and speak and look into the faces of many beautiful LGBTQ individuals who know Christ as their Savior.
Lent is a traditional observation of many Christians in preparation for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its’ purpose is to prepare the believer in Christ to come to the Holy Celebration of the Cross, the grave and ultimately the victory of resurrection Sunday!
The Cross of Jesus leveled the playing field for all mankind!
No longer do we have to be of Jewish descent or meet the criteria of Old Testament law to be part of the family of God. The sacrifice of Jesus for the sin of all mankind has been accomplished. Now, WHOSOEVER calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved!
WHOSOEVER means just that. LGBTQ or straight, the requirement is the same.
In Christ there are no second class family members!
As we move through this blessed Lenten season, how do we prepare for this family celebration?
The royal commandment that sums up all scripture is to love the LORD your God with all you heart, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.
One of the most powerful moments is when a person who was anti-LGBTQ comes alongside one of those ‘neighbors’ who happens to be LGBTQ and because of the life and love of that individual has a change of heart.
We are living in changing times. Hearts and minds are being challenged to revisit calloused prejudices. Many eyes are on the LGBTQ community and its’ allies. There are still too many out there who hate, but it will not be said of us!
As we prepare ourselves to come to the celebration of Christ’s resurrection, the world will know us by our LOVE!
WHOSOEVER means YOU…precious, believing LGBTQ child of God!
Mary Jane Kennedy
Brandon, Mississippi