by HRC Staff •
Join us on Thursday, Jan. 28 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (ET) for “Celebrating Progress” to commemorate the release of the 2021 Corporate Equality Index. Our program highlights the progress made in LGBTQ-inclusive workplaces over the CEI’s 19-year history.
This event includes a special conversation on the progress of LGBTQ-inclusive workplaces and the path ahead including the importance of an intersectional approach to diversity, equity and inclusion work. Join us for Alphonso David, President, Human Rights Campaign in conversation with special guests Rosanna Durruthy, Vice President, Global Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, LinkedIn, and Ben-Saba Hasan,SVP and Chief Global Culture, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, Walmart Inc. The conversation will be moderated by Lanaya Irvin, President, Coqual and Co-Chair of HRC’s Business Advisory Council.