by Lauren Precker •
This morning, the New York Times published an op-ed by our President Alphonso David responding to the wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation passed in states across the country.
“...these new laws are the latest in a series of unprecedented legislative assaults aimed at trans people that have swept state houses this year, officially making 2021 the worst year for anti-L.G.B.T.Q. legislation in recent history.”
He went on to share the fear and harm LGBTQ folks are experiencing due to these hateful and discriminatory laws.
“L.G.B.T.Q. Americans — and particularly transgender and nonbinary people — are not simply living in a state of emergency, we are living in many states of imminent danger.”
These bills are looking for problems that don’t exist and are only inciting violence against the LGBTQ community, especially transgender people.
“... these bills are helping to fuel a wave of anti-trans violence. So far in 2021, we are on track to exceed the number of trans and gender nonconforming people murdered in 2020, which was already the deadliest year recorded by the Human Rights Campaign.”
The op-ed concludes with a call to action for our LGBTQ allies: now is the time to step up and take real actions in solidarity with our community.
“Sometimes we have to make uncomfortable decisions because we are pushed to the fringes. We are now at that place. We now need our allies to stand with us — however uncomfortably — and make those hard decisions.”
You can read the full piece on the New York Times website.
Want to do more to help? We need volunteers to join our grassroots team and fight against these bills.
Tell state legislators to stop attacking the transgender community NOW! Your signature will send a message that we won’t back down when these lawmakers come for our community.