by HRC Staff •
HRC will join the Los Angeles Pride #ResistMarch, an event that will attract hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ people, HRC supporters and our allies from all parts of the nation.
Post submitted by Brian McBride, former HRC Digital Strategist
This Sunday, HRC will join the Los Angeles Pride #ResistMarch, an event that will attract hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ people, HRC supporters and our allies from all parts of the nation.
In addition to the #ResistMarch, HRC will join Equality Marches across the country to celebrate the historic strides the LGBTQ community has achieved, while also peacefully marching against the Trump administration and other forces determined to strip away our basic human rights.
Details of when and where to join HRC at the LA #ResistMarch are below. Click here to sign up to be part of HRC’s contingent at the LA #ResistMarch.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
7021 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN from Brian Pendleton on Vimeo.
March with HRC and don’t forget to document your experience on social media with #ResistMarch. Click here to learn more about the Los Angeles #ResistMarch and other events happening in the community.
At our headquarters in Washington, HRC will host an Action and Resource Center, giving supporters concrete ways to take action and resist in their own communities.
The Action and Resource Center will be open Friday, June 9, from 12 - 9 p.m.; Saturday, June 10, from 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; and Sunday, June 11, from 7 a.m. - 12 p.m..