by HRC Staff •
Call Your Senators Today Oppose Carson’s Nomination: 202-224-3121
Post submitted by Hayley Miller, former HRC Associate Director of Digital and Social
Everyday the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) supports millions of individuals and families nationwide through lifeline programs providing assisted and public housing, emergency shelter and supportive housing, and mortgage and loan assistance. Access to this assistance can be life-changing -- it can keep families intact, provide shelter safe from violence, and help make the dream of home ownership a reality.
Throughout his public life, Ben Carson, Donald Trump’s choice for HUD Secretary, has made clear he opposes equality for LGBTQ people-- and his confirmation hearing last week was no exception. When asked by Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) whether he would enforce LGBTQ housing protections, Carson said, “... I don’t think anyone should get ‘extra rights’.” Carson, whose harmful rhetoric has included equating marriage equality with bestiality, also opposes laws that protect LGBTQ Americans from discrimination. He has joked that same-sex couples might have their wedding cakes poisoned by anti-equality bakers, asserted that being LGBTQ is a “choice,” and suggested that transgender people be required to use separate bathrooms.
As Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson would be in charge of:
It is essential that any incoming Secretary not only exhibits a working knowledge of HUD programs, but also a sincere commitment to ensuring fair and equal access for all people regardless of who they are and who they love. Dr. Carson’s record of hostility and discriminatory remarks regarding LGBTQ people directly conflicts with these fundamental qualities and disqualifies him from this role.
HRC urges Senators to oppose Carson’s nomination. Join us and call your Senators to speak out against Carson’s nomination: 202-224-3121
Sharing personal stories is a critical way to help advance our movement. If you're an LGBTQ person who has personally experienced discrimination or an ally who knows an LGBTQ person who has, share your story and we'll follow up with you about how you can make a difference in the fight for full LGBTQ equality.