Elevating LGBTQ Voices for National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day 2021

by Vanessa Castro

As we mark National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day 2021, we’re elevating the voices of LGBTQ youth advocates in Puerto Rico committed to grassroots-level advocacy and public education of the disproportionate impact of HIV in their community. Despite advancements in HIV prevention, treatment and care, young people ages 13-24 made up 21% of the new HIV diagnoses in the United States and dependent areas — with Black and Latinx youth accounting for the majority of new diagnoses. The inclusion of young people is crucial to ending the epidemic as they bring an essential perspective and innovative approach to addressing the barriers young people face today.

Make today a day of action: know your status and get tested, and do your part to reduce HIV stigma. You can find testing sites across the country at https://gettested.cdc.gov. We are continually amazed by the resilience and leadership of young people in the fight to create a more equitable world for all. We see you, we hear you, we love you and we are with you in solidarity as we work together to build a future generation free from HIV.


Q&A With Youth Advocates from Arianna’s Center

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?/¿Puede hablarme un poco de usted?
Soy Aramis Román Vélez cuento con 25 años de edad. Puertorriqueño. Poseo un bachillerato en enfermería. Además de la salud me apasionan las artes escénicas y le doy vida al personaje de Simara Fierce’s en el arte del Transformismo.

ENG: I am Aramis Román Vélez, I am 25 years oldPuerto Rican. I have a bachelor's degree in nursing. In addition to health, I am passionate about the performing arts and I give life to the character of Simara Fierce's in the art of drag.

Why are you interested in HIV advocacy and how do you get involved in your community?/¿Por qué te interesa la abogacía del VIH y cómo te involucras en tu comunidad?
Creo que como chico gay, profesional de la salud, veo el estigma que aún existe y lo mucho que falta aún por trabajar dentro de lo que es la pandemia del VIH y más allá de lo profesional el conocer de cerca las experiencias de personas que viven con VIH lo difícil que fue su proceso y como tuvieron que manejar su situación y el estigma sin saber en qué confiar o a dónde acudir sin sentirse rechazados o juzgados eso hace que me interese en trabajar y abogar por todos ellos involucrándome en diferentes campañas y colaborando con organizaciones de base comunitaria en sus esfuerzos y actividades tanto como profesional o como Transformista.

ENG: I think as a gay guy and a health professional, I see the stigma that still exists and how much work still needs to be done. Beyond the professional side, knowing firsthand the experiences of people living with HIV and how difficult their process was. — They had to manage their situation and the stigma without knowing who to trust or where to turn without feeling rejected or judged. This makes me interested in working and advocating for all of them by getting involved in different campaigns and collaborating with community-based organizations in their efforts and activities, both as a professional and as a drag performer.

Why is National HIV & AIDS Awareness Day important to you and the next generation of young people?/¿Por qué es importante el Día Nacional de Concienciación del VIH/SIDA para ti y para la próxima generación de jóvenes?
Creo que es importante que se conmemoren o se lleven a cabo estos días ya que además de educar se crean movimientos en los cuales se ve que cada vez somos más y más los que nos educamos, trabajamos y luchamos por romper todos estos estigmas y unimos esfuerzos para seguir creando visibilidad y que toda generación de jóvenes que venga detrás de nosotros se sienta cada vez más en la confianza de poder hablar del VIH/ SIDA sin ser señalado o juzgado y que los jóvenes que viven con VIH/ SIDA pueden llevar una vida normal y el vivir con VIH/ SIDA no los hace menos y su diagnóstico no va a determinar su futuro.

ENG: I think it is important to commemorate, or hold these days, because in addition to educating people, you create movements in which you see that more and more of us are educating ourselves, working and fighting to break all these stigmas and joining efforts to continue to create visibility. Every generation of young people that comes after us feels more and more confident to be able to talk about HIV/AIDS without being singled out or judged, and young people living with HIV/AIDS can lead a normal life. Living with HIV/AIDS does not make them less and their diagnosis is not going to determine their future.

How can people mobilize and support youth advocates like you in their communities?/¿Cómo puede la gente movilizarse y apoyar a los defensores de los jóvenes como tú en sus comunidades?
Lo importante aquí es unir fuerzas sin importar que (Raza, color, edad, orientación, identidad o creencias) y apoyarnos en una sola voz. Ya sea apoyando estas iniciativas o campañas, asistiendo a las actividades que hacen las organizaciones de bases comunitarias para la educación y prevención del VIH/SIDA, compartiendo todos estos movimientos en nuestras redes sociales o hasta con un simple me gusta (like) en las redes sociales. Lo importante es dejarnos sentir y que vean que esto es un movimiento mundial y que como nosotros hay muchos trabajando para eliminar la ignorancia y el estigma que existe.

ENG: The important thing is to join forces no matter what (race, color, age, orientation, identity, or beliefs) and support each other in one voice. Whether it is supporting these initiatives or campaigns, attending the activities that community-based organizations do for HIV/AIDS education and prevention, sharing all these movements in our social networks or even with a simple “like” on social networks. The important thing is to let us feel and let them see that this is a worldwide movement and that, like us, there are many people working to eliminate the ignorance and stigma that exists.

Any final thoughts or take-away messages?/¿Algún mensaje final para transmitir?
Todavía queda mucho camino por recorrer y aún hay mucho por trabajar lo importante es seguir uniendo esfuerzos y continuar apoyando toda iniciativa para que todos puedan tener accesos a pruebas, métodos de prevención y servicios de salud de una forma equitativa pero lo más importante sin que se sientan juzgados ni rechazados por solicitar los mismos. Continuemos trabajando y a todos esos jóvenes no olvidemos siempre estar revisando nuestro estatus y a los que viven con VIH/ SIDA recuerden que tú diagnóstico no determina tu futuro que todos podemos ser exitosos sin importar qué. Un abrazo y mi apoyo incondicional desde aquí desde la isla del encanto Puerto Rico.

ENG: There is still a long way to go and there is still a lot of work to do, but the important thing is to continue joining efforts and continue supporting all initiatives so that everyone can have access to tests, prevention methods, and health services in an equitable way, but most importantly, without feeling judged or rejected for requesting them. Let's continue working, and to all the young people: let's not forget to always be checking our status. To those living with HIV/AIDS: remember that your diagnosis does not determine your future and that we can all be successful no matter what. Sending a hug and my unconditional support from here on the island of enchantment, Puerto Rico.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
My name is Cathalina la Bella, I am a Puerto Rican transgender woman dedicated to show business and beauty contests. Through my work, I advocate for my community by using the stage for HIV/AIDS prevention.

Why are you interested in HIV advocacy and how are you involved in your community?
PrEP is so important, but don’t forget about U=U. Personally, I use PrEP, even though it was difficult to access it, but I’m thankful to organizations such as Arianna's Center who helped me access it. I think it's very important to spread the word during my performances so people can get informed while they're also being entertained.

Why is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day important to you and the next generation of young people?
Increasing awareness about HIV/AIDS is a unique challenge because there is still a stigma when we talk about it, especially for Latina trans youth. So this awareness day is very important because it's a vehicle of communication to educate and inform the community.

How can people show up and support youth advocates like you in their communities?
Organizations and companies should give more opportunities and spaces to create panel discussions, events, beauty contests, be more involved in technology, where youth are focused. They can use technology and social media to engage youth and get them interested.

Any final thoughts or take-away messages?
As a young Puerto Rican woman, I want to bring a message to the world of inclusion, tolerance, respect, and above all, prevention as a message for our Puerto Rican community. I want to thank the Human Rights Campaign for giving me the opportunity to use this platform to highlight the message and the purpose and mission of my life.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?/¿Puede hablarme un poco de usted?
Mi nombre es Alexandra Román, tengo 30 años de edad y soy del área oeste de Puerto Rico, oriunda de el pueblo de Mayagüez, llevo trabajando con la prevención del VIH desde el año 2014 y desde ese momento quise emprender mi militancia en pro de erradicar el VIH

ENG: My name is Alexandra Román Rodriguez, I am 30 years old and I am from the western area of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. I have been working in HIV prevention since 2014 and since then I have been strongly committed to eradicating HIV.

Why are you interested in HIV advocacy and how are you involved in your community?/¿Por qué te interesa la abogacía del VIH y cómo te involucras en tu comunidad?
Me interesa por el hecho de que puedo educar a las personas que aún no saben lo que es el VIH , también me da la oportunidad de concientizár a la ciudadanía lo importante que es realizarse la prueba del VIH regularmente para saber su estatus. Desde el 2014 siempre me he involucrado en actividades que llevan el mensaje de prevención desde adentro de mi comunidad LGBT, educación a todas las comunidades y poblaciones.

ENG: I am interested in the fact that I can educate people who still do not know what HIV is, and make people aware of the importance of knowing your status and getting regularly tested for HIV. Since 2014, I have always been involved in activities that bring the message of prevention within my LGBTQ community and educate other communities and populations.

Why is National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day important to you and the next generation of young people?/¿Por qué es importante el Día Nacional de Concienciación del VIH/SIDA para ti y para la próxima generación de jóvenes?
Es importante porque nos ayuda cada vez más a poder llevar el mensaje de erradicar el VIH, la educación es la base de todo y es por esto que es importante que la nueva generación de jóvenes se vea involucrado en actividades educativas , así ellos mismos crean conciencia, se educan entre sí y poco a poco disminuye el estigma y el discriminen que para las personas que viven con VIH.

ENG: It is important because it helps us gradually carry the message of eradicating HIV, and I believe that education is the basis of everything. That is why it is important that the new generation of young people be involved in educational activities, so they themselves create awareness, educate each other and gradually decrease the stigma and discrimination for people living with HIV.

How can people mobilize and support youth advocates like you in their communities?/¿Cómo puede la gente movilizarse y apoyar a los defensores de los jóvenes como tú en sus comunidades?
Apoyando actividades de militancia en pro de la lucha contra el VIH, trabajo comunitario, voluntariado en proyectos de prevención de VIH y en cualquier otro tipo de actividad que tenga el fin de educar.

ENG: By supporting HIV advocacy activities, community work, volunteering in HIV prevention projects and any other type of activity that aims to educate.

Any final thoughts or take-away messages?/¿Algún mensaje final para transmitir?
Para mi es un honor trabajar hace 5 años en la prevención del VIH, siempre llevaré el mensaje de no más estigma y discriminen contra las personas que viven con VIH, eduquémonos, realicémonos la prueba y sepamos nuestro estatus

ENG: It is an honor to work in HIV prevention spaces for five years. I will always carry the message of “no more stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV.” Let's educate ourselves, let's get tested and know our status.