
In June 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed that LGBTQ+ workers are protected from discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — a landmark decision.

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Workplace, Global

HRC Equidad CL: Global Workplace Equality Program

The HRC Equidad CL report is the leading workplace assessment designed to grow LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality across Chile.
Click here to connect with us and participate.The Equidad CL 2024…

Workplace, Global, Recursos en Español

HRC Equidad AR: Programa Global de Equidad Laboral

La encuesta de HRC Equidad AR es el líder nacional diseñada a crecer inclusión y equidad LGBTQ+ sobre Argentina.
Contáctenos directamente para participar aquí.El Informe HRC Equidad AR 2024 ya…

Workplace, Global

HRC Equidad AR: Global Workplace Equality Program

The HRC Equidad AR report is the leading workplace assessment designed to grow LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality across Argentina.
Click here to connect with us and participate.
The Equidad AR…


How Can I find an Employer's Non-Discrimination Policy?

The employer seeking to include its gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer workers must maintain "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as protected classes, in addition to federally protected classes, in…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Workplace

HIV and Employment Discrimination

Americans living with HIV or AIDS may face discrimination based on their health status in many areas of life—including employment. Fortunately, federal and state laws protect against discrimination.


GenEQ Guide to Entering the Workforce

Entering the workforce is a rite of passage for many Americans. This rite involves unique challenges for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans because there is no federal law that…

Workplace, Research

Foreclosure and Eviction Among LGBTQ+ Adults

Many LGBTQ+ people experience homelessness at some point in their lifetime. Previous research suggests that LGBTQ+ people could comprise 20% to 40% of the homeless population. LGBTQ+ youth are also…

Workplace, Laws & Legislation

Federal Laws Impacting Domestic Partner Benefits

When discussing Domestic Partner Benefits, it is important to be aware of the numerous laws that provide, and often restrict, numerous benefits to people in certain types of relationship. Domestic…

LGBTQ+ Youth, Allies, Workplace, Parenting, Elections, Transgender, Health & Aging, State & Local Policy, Coming Out, Communities of Color, Hate Crimes, Adoption, Laws & Legislation

Facing the Future Together: FAQs, Guidance, and Resources

Many in our community are experiencing the heaviness of recent events and a range of emotions including fear, anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness, and exhaustion. These emotions are real, and we…