Health & Aging

Fear of discrimination causes many LGBTQ+ people to avoid seeking care. And when they do get treatment, studies have shown that LGBTQ+ people are often not treated with the respect or cultural competence that all patients deserve. Through pioneering efforts such as the Healthcare Equality Index and the new Long-Term Care Equality Index, HRC is dedicated to improving healthcare for LGBTQ+ people and their families.

As we continue to navigate the global pandemic, HRC has made strong efforts to connect LGBTQ+ folks with public education and health information related to the coronavirus. Our community faces unique challenges due to its economic and health care situations. Take a look at “The LGBTQ Community and COVID-19” for more information.

Featured Resource

Know Your Healthcare Rights

Learn more about your healthcare rights, including hospital visitation and patient non-discrimination.

Read Moreabout Know Your Healthcare Rights

LGBTQ+ Youth, Allies, Workplace, Parenting, Elections, Transgender, Health & Aging, State & Local Policy, Coming Out, Communities of Color, Hate Crimes, Adoption, Laws & Legislation

Facing the Future Together: FAQs, Guidance, and Resources

Many in our community are experiencing the heaviness of recent events and a range of emotions including fear, anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness, and exhaustion. These emotions are real, and we…

Community Search

Use this tool to find residential long-term care and senior housing communities near you that are evaluated in the Long-Term Care Equality Index. The LEI 2023 features 200 communities nationwide.…

Long-Term Care Equality Index 2023

The Long-Term Care Equality Index 2023 represents the first validated survey on LGBTQ+ inclusion in long-term care and senior housing communities.The Human Rights Campaign Foundation and SAGE are excited to…

Recursos en Español, Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

¿Es la PEP adecuada para mí?

PEP es la abreviatura de Profilaxis Postexposición. Es una estrategia de prevención del VIH que consiste en tomar medicamentos contra el VIH inmediatamente después de un único acontecimiento de alto…

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging, Recursos en Español

Desmintiendo mitos comunes sobre el VIH

Lee las respuestas a los mitos de que "el VIH es una enfermedad gay" o una "sentencia de muerte", y encuentra otra información importante sobre cómo hacerse la prueba.

Sexual Health, Health & Aging, Bisexual, Transgender, Research

Understanding Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBTQ+ Community

Content Warning:This resource discusses issues of intimate partner violence (IPV) that some readers may find sensitive. If you are experiencing IPV, please visit the CDC’s intimate partner violence page for…

Workplace, LGBTQ+ Youth, Health & Aging, HIV & Health Equity, Research, Allies

Understanding Disability in the LGBTQ+ Community

Disability refers to conditions that impair the body or mind and make it more difficult or impossible to do certain activities or functions of daily living. The Centers for Disease…

Sexual Health, Health & Aging

mpox (Monkeypox): What You Need to Know

The CDC has raised the alert level on a mpox (monkeypox) outbreak in the United States and HHS announced that it will be ramping up testing and a vaccine distribution…

HIV & Health Equity, Health & Aging

Is PrEP Right For Me?

PrEP is short for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, a once-daily pill that reduces the risk of acquiring HIV. It is an FDA-approved prescription medication.

Health & Aging

HEI 2024 LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Leaders

The HEI 2024 had the most rigorous criteria ever. Yet, an impressive 384 (36%) of participants met this more challenging criteria, received the top 100 in the HEI, and earned…